Specialty Services
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Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall

Organizations, today, have hundreds of databases, apps, and operating systems where user and administrator activity need to be audited and monitored for security and compliance. This requires constant collection and analysis of massive amount of activity data to run reports and generate alerts on anomalous activities. This is where Oracle Database Activity Monitoring (Oracle DAM) solutions such as Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall (AVDF) take charge.
Oracle AVDF is responsible for securing databases and other critical components of IT infrastructure in the following ways

Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall
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SamaraTech Specialty Services Case Studies

With smart features and an unending array of business benefits, cloud computing is the trending technology today, and migration to the cloud is the most beneficial business decision.

Understanding SamaraTech
Specialty Services

SamaraTech services for Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall monitors Oracle and non-Oracle database traffic to detect and block threats, as well as improves compliance reporting by consolidating audit data from databases, operating systems, directories, and other sources. SamaraTech foucsses on:

Specialty Services Key Features

Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall (DAM) provides the initial defence for databases and consolidates audit data from databases, operating systems, and directories. A highly accurate SQL grammar-based engine monitors and blocks unauthorized SQL traffic before it reaches the database. Here are a few features:
Oracle DAM for the initial defense of databases

Key Benefits

Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall is a good product for controlling all databases. It is helpful for auditing the data. When you perform any actions on the databases, they are recorded automatically in the Oracle DAM. You can work on the collected data to find out exactly what is happening on a database. You can implement database encryption on the databases to control people’s access to the database content.

Oracle database vault for controlling all databases

How can we Help you?

With the full-stack expertise, SamaraTech helps you design, orchestrate and amalgamate technologies that drive business success.
Oracle DAM solution to get good ROI on security investment

Why SamaraTech Speciality Services?

SamaraTech is member of the Oracle Partner Network(OPN) with industry-wide experience in database activity and monitoring services.